Another Year Older…

Top: Zara – Skirt: – Rochas – Bag: Dior

I can't believe that I'm writing this again (well, of course I can but you get my point) but it's time to say that once again a whole year has passed and that I'm today lucky enough to turn another year older. It's crazy how fast time flies by! Hearing myself saying this during the last couple of days makes me feel even older though... But it's so true. This whole year has just flown by and I can't believe it's already November. This year hasn't by any means been my easiest year... But not the most awful one either I guess. It's been a year of many personal challenges, new feelings (both good and bad), professional adventures and tough moments and hopefully a lot of personal growth along the way. I feel as though I'm ready for a few new adventures (hopefully) but also like I am ready to close the door to a few other things.

A few years ago I realised how very lucky we are to be able to turn a year older. Even though it can bring along a lot of worries and concerns I honestly feel privileged that I get the opportunity to experience yet another year of this life. So cheers to many more uphill battles, rough times and many, many more wonderful experiences and moments shared together with loved ones! I can't wait to see what this next year will bring.

Photos by: Hana Lê Van (edited by me)

Volez, Voguez, Voyagez


LV The Book