Back to Florence


Leaving for the first time

It felt surreal to travel again. I mean it feels surreal to even talk about travelling again. I literally have not left the city since the lockdown was lifted. Not for a weekend, not for a day-trip, nothing. So getting on a plane, or even booking the tickets, felt odd, scary and exciting all at the same time. I have seen more and more people travelling lately, partying on packed beaches and laying close together at full beaches – something I personally don’t feel ready for just yet.

Therefore we planned living in the countryside for a while, away from people, in a house without anyone around. But before we made it there, we stopped in Florence. Something that made me nervous but that I couldn’t resist as I’ve missed Italy and this beautiful city so so much.


Taking precautions

As someone who’s quite anxious as a person, I was put at ease (well, at least somewhat) by the fact that the city was so empty and since I felt that the Italians really took the face masks seriously. We took them off when we weren’t around other people, for a quick photo here and there or when eating and drinking but otherwise I tried to keep it on as much as possible (despite the scorching heat). Please be safe out there, keep your distance, be respectful and don’t forget that we’re still going through these scary times…

Enough about the scary stuff now. We had the loveliest time in Florence even though our stay was very short and it felt so magical to walk these Italian streets again that I’ve been missing so much. Between all the spritz, pizza, pasta and gelato my face couldn’t stop smiling.


Afternoons in Italy


Natural City